One Missed Shorties

The Smartest Thing You’ll Read on Illegal Employment and Immigration All Day: Alternet tells us the truth — with supporting statistics — that it isn’t “jobs Americans don’t want,” but “exploitable employees that unscrupulous employers do want”.

Speaking of Statistics: Here’s a guy who understands the employment and inflation stats and how they are manipulated. In short? the recession is here now.

Bill Moyers has the last word: At least, when it comes to Rev. Wright. Here’s the video, here’s the text.

Burma, shaved: A couple items on the aftermath of a huge cyclone in Myanmar Burma. The death toll is estimated at well over 20,000, getting supplies to survivors is difficult, and our own First Lady accuses the government of not warning people and leaving them to die (oh, the irony).

Obligatory crap about the primaries and related Democratic detritus: IHT cleverly tells us one of three things could happen today; a sad but true prediction; Hillary’s nuclear option, if it in fact exists, could nuke her; does she honestly think the 3.5 million newly registered voters want politics as usual?; if we can’t win we’ll change the rules; lessons learned; and the Edwardses are classy people.

Cinco de Mayo gave me gas: OPEC; Harry Reid; and stolen grease.

To get your war money, you have to give money to unemployed people: well, I guess if we have to take the combo meal, we may as well supersize it.

The Duhpartment of Research: the race gap in drug arrests (uh, sure, white people never do drugs, riiiiight); and a researcher finding more antibiotic resistant bacteria calls the trend “very worrisome.”

The One-Minute Manager has met his match: Ten Tips from Florinda.

And now for your dose of Shorties Japan-Filter: Giant Kites; it’s easier than working; nothing to crow about; and The Prince meets A Dog [Hisohito-sama wa ookite shiroi inu wo mimashita. Kirei-na inu deshita, ne.].

In Florida, they consider him a “wizard,” but in Vegas we would consider him a barely passable illusionist: Teacher fired for making a toothpick vanish up his sleeve.

You knew I would slip health care in someplace: Granny Bashers.

A Dyre Situation: Blogger food drive.

And finally: Goodbye to the Spindle.

One thought on “One Missed Shorties”

  1. Specifically its a blogger food drive and linkfest. Only a buck to fight hunger and anyone who donates a buck to it or links to it gets a link back. Additionally all donors get a link on the blogroll I am creating just for donors.

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