Glad the price wasn’t in pounds.


I took this picture last year as all those little kiosk shops in the mall were trying to get rid of inventory before closing down for the year. Clearly they were selling “bootie” style slippers, rather than women’s derrières. If you need more evil pictures for Christmastime, try these.

In closing: too big to fail by design; steakhouse economics; Hooverville Reborn; top 10 gadgets of the year; it’s going to be a long time before anybody names a child Katrina; a run on the food bank; home is where the heart is even when you are “homeless”; David Sirota on the conspiracy of conspiracy theories; and finally, maybe we’ve been too hard on Congress. Maybe.

Hope everybody had a great Hanukkah and Solstice, hope everyone will have a great Christmas and Kwanzaa and whatever else you celebrate!