It’s all in the Execution

Some things never change, I suppose. We’re still trying to find a “humane” way to kill another human being, and not doing so well.

There are really two valid arguments against the death penalty that most sensible people should agree have merit: first, it’s more expensive than life in prison (stick that in your conservative pipe and smoke it); second, mistakes happen. The spectre of racism is just icing on the unjust cake.

In Closing: alternate headlines; science fact; cause of death; creepy; the freakin NSA; Joe and Jane Average are getting the shaft, and some want to make it worse; and transitions.

One thought on “It’s all in the Execution”

  1. Even conservatives (some) object to the death penalty. Mistakes do happen, and far too often. There can be no restitution for a life taken.

    I also object to “the state” having the power of life or death over its constituency. Folks vested with power sometime/always tend to get inebriated with it.

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