Weight Loss Follow-up

Just a short note about two news items that relate to my last missive on weight loss. Today’s big revelation is that calories matter when you are trying to lose weight. Furthermore, exercise is good for you. Even the article concedes that “The advice is not really new.”

The other news is that there seems to be a link between weight and sleep. Specifically, people who sleep less are more likely to be overweight. Without invoking any science whatsoever, there are a couple of common sense reasons this might be so. Perhaps people who are tired are trying to get more energy by eating more food, when what they really need is a nap. This might be conscious or unconscious. The other unscientific but common sense explanation is that most people do not eat while they are asleep.

In any event, adequate sleep, exercise, and moderate quantities of nutritious food are good for human beings. Science confirms it.