Self-Serving Bunch of Asshats

Today, Bank of Asshat America said “Investors should be buying bonds in all categories of U.S. securitized debt, in part because the market will continue to shrink next year.”

Securitized debt. That’s bonds backed by things like real estate loans and leases.

Now let’s see, Bank Of Asshat, where might you come up with those? Perhaps from Countrywide??

How convenient that your analyst thinks we should buy the thing that you just happen to be selling. Very convenient.

In Closing: How enterprise crashed the economy; katsudon; too frustrated about the DINOcrats folding on tax cuts for people who don’t need them to say anything rational; Steven King will rip the throat out of your Twilight whiny sparkly vampires; bank failures; full one way, empty the other; you think Sarah Palin is bad?; jobless rate by level of education; young adult fiction; it never occurred to her that you might not be able to afford cereal and a banana (fine, b****, you adopt them all!); and this:
Rob Rogers

6 thoughts on “Self-Serving Bunch of Asshats”

  1. huge problem…. wanting to feed children. You feed ’em once and you can never get rid of the little beggars….

    let ’em eat whaaat?

  2. Angelo Mozillo, the creator and head f*ckwad @Countrywide knew his company was dirty, so he bailed at the start of the mortgage meltdown. He took a fortune out of that company before it was sold to BofA.

    Why that worthless bag of pondscum didn’t get charged, tried and convicted is beyond my comprehension. Oh wait…I know…crimes are only committed by the bottom 98% of Americans. Yeah, thats it.

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